Things Not Seen Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She pauses. "And I guess it doesn't matter. I really haven't been thinking about how you might look. It's more like… a feeling I have about you. I know you're honest, and smart. And kind, at least most of the time." (18.121)

Now that Alicia has gotten to know Bobby's personality, it doesn't even matter to her what he looks like. Him being handsome would just be an added bonus, but really, she cares about who he is inside.

Quote #8

Then I start watching Alicia's face. And it's amazing to me, because I can look at everything – the whole overpopulated, overtraveled, overtrucked, overpaved, overbillboarded, full-color, three-dimensional world zipping by at seventy miles an hour – and I can get bored. And Alicia's got nothing but her own thoughts and whatever she sees inside her head, and she's not bored at all. (20.27)

Oh, Bobby. Even with all the problems he's got going on, he's still a stereotypical love struck teenager. He could sit and stare at Alicia's face all day long without her knowledge… it'd be kind of creepy if she weren't into him too.

Quote #9

I look down, and there I am. My body. Me.

"I—I'm Bobby Phillips." And I'm naked, and I grab up a sweatshirt from the floor and use it to cover up. And I'm dazed, and I must look like an idiot because I can't stop grinning. (27.21)

A normal teenage boy would be mortified if a bunch of strangers caught him with his pants down at home, but Bobby isn't normal. He's just come back from the land of invisibility, and it feels good to see his body again… even if he's not the only one in the room.