Things Not Seen Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Mom runs to the den and calls her aunt and tells her that if she gets a contact from anyone asking about me, she's to say that I've been there since March thirteenth, and that I arrived by train. (15.35)

Is everyone in Bobby's family just a natural at being a secret agent? Even his old Aunt Ethel doesn't bat an eyelash when she's asked to lie to the authorities about her missing nephew. She just agrees right away.

Quote #8

"You think I'm a better actor? What does that mean? You think I'm a good liar, is that it?"

"Jeez—touchy, touchy. It's a compliment. I mean you could probably sound like you know something, and I'm just gonna sound like this dumb kid, that's all. So will you do it?" (19.40-41)

The web of lies and deceit that the Phillips family has woven is getting out of hand. They're pulling all sorts of people into it. First they ask Aunt Ethel to lie for them, and now Bobby is asking if Alicia will help him steal legal documents.

Quote #9

And that's true. I probably will end up at Alicia's house. Just not right now.

And then I'm down the kitchen steps out and the side door. I'm off to commit my first real crime. (19.74-75)

Bobby's parents may not approve of him breaking into the Sears, Roebuck and Company headquarters, but he knows that it's his only chance of getting his hands on information about the electric blanket. Sometimes you have to lie to get what you need… right?