Why We Broke Up Chapter 1 Summary

  • Min Green is writing a letter to her ex-boyfriend, Ed Slaterton. And like younger siblings pawing through their older sibling's things, we're about to read it.
  • Min begins her letter by imagining the scene at Ed's house. There's about to be a loud noise at the front door (more on that in a second), but Ed won't hear it because he's off moping. Or so Min hopes.
  • It's a nice sunny day in December, Min says. It's been a few weeks since the breakup, and she's had some time to think. Her mind feels clear like the weather, because symbolism. She and Ed went out for five weeks during the rainy season—and yes, that's symbolism, too.
  • In case it wasn't clear from the title, Min is writing to explain why she and Ed broke up. She's cussing, too, so she might be a little bit mad.