Why We Broke Up Chapter 16 Summary

  • In her letter, Min asks Ed if he's ever seen Like Night and Day, a Portuguese vampire movie. It's a rhetorical question, though; she knows he hasn't seen it.
  • Flashback to Min waiting for Ed to pick her up at a coffee shop. It's the crack of dawn on a Saturday, and it's raining cats and dogs. The light reminds Min of the vampire movie.
  • Ed arrives in his sister's car. The plan is to go to Tip Top Goods, which for some reason is only open 7:30AM to 9:00AM on Saturday mornings.
  • Min says she's only been to the shop once before, with Al, and Ed seems jealous. He speculates that Al is gay or wants to be Min's boyfriend.
  • They bicker a little, and Min offers Ed a coffee. He doesn't drink coffee, though. Min is, as you might've guessed, horrified.
  • We're not sure she has any business being horrified by non-coffee drinkers, though, considering how she takes her coffee: three sugars and extra cream. Is that technically coffee, still?
  • Ed's horrified, too, and though he doesn't drink coffee, he still thinks coffee should be taken black. Like his heart.
  • Just in case you'd forgotten that Ed is the worst, he uses the word "f**." Again.
  • They bicker. Min tries to convince Ed to stop being the worst, but Ed says he's just tired. Oh, okay…
  • Finally, Ed acquiesces and tries the "coffee" with three sugars and extra cream. He loves it: "It's like a cookie having sex with a doughnut," are his exact words.
  • Min teases Ed, and he admits that he never knows when she's joking—he just doesn't get her.
  • The couple dashes into Tip Top Goods. It is a palace full of strange treasures. Among them? Real Recipes from Tinseltown, a book that's destined for the breakup box. Back in real time, Min's sad to give it back.