Why We Broke Up Chapter 13 Summary

  • Min introduces the next item from the breakup box: a rubber band that Ed ripped out of her hair. Behold this treasure.
  • Flashback to Min traveling with Ed to his house after basketball practice. She's tired. She hasn't been drinking coffee after school with her friends, like usual—instead, she's become a full-fledged "basketball widow."
  • They arrive at Ed's house, and he hits the shower, while Min hangs out in the kitchen with his older sister, Joan.
  • Joan is cooking vegetarian food and listening to Hawk Davies. Remember Hawk? His quote is on the lid on the breakup box: You either have the feeling or you don't.
  • Turns out Hawk Davies is a jazz musician. Min has never heard him before, but she likes him instantly.
  • Min tells Joan that she wants to be a film director. Joan seems jealous—she was a film major in college, but she had to switch majors because her mother got sick. Ed never mentioned his mother's illness to Min.
  • Min offers to help Joan cook. Joan gives her a rubber band—the rubber band—to put her hair up. They cook. Min seems to have passed the test: Joan likes her.
  • Ed comes in and yanks the rubber band out of Min's hair. He likes her hair better down. Yikes.
  • Ed and Joan joke around about how she's not his "real mom." Their real mom, the mysterious sick one, is behind a closed door somewhere down the hall.
  • Min and Joan finish up the meatballs, and they are delicious.
  • Min goes home and calls Al. He's excited about the meatball recipe and wonders if Min would like to make them this weekend. Min says she's too busy being a basketball widow, though.