Why We Broke Up Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I wasn't supposed to be looking, not for me. It wasn't my birthday, is what I thought. There's no reason I should have been out here like this, in the yard, on a limb. You were Ed Slaterton, for God's sake, I said to myself, you weren't even invited. What was wrong with me? What was I doing? (4.45)

Min barely recognizes herself when she finds herself flirting with Ed. What on earth is going on?

Quote #2

"He's not going to call me. He's Ed Slaterton."

"I know who he is, Min. But you—what are you—?"

"I don't know." (4.106-4.108)

We all know who Ed Slaterton is: He's co-captain of the basketball team. But who's Min? Al asks this question of his best friend, and even Min doesn't know.

Quote #3

"If it's her," you repeated. "But how can you be sure?"

"There's no way we can be sure," I said. "Not now. But, you know, I had a feeling in there." (6.14-6.15)

On Min's first date with Ed, she mistakes an elderly theater patron for the film star Lottie Carson. This botched identity will cause Min much distress at the end of the book.