Why We Broke Up Chapter 17 Summary

  • Ed and Min leave Tip Top Goods. The storm clouds have parted and the birds are singing; they decide to go to the park.
  • They find a spot and hunker down to admire Real Recipes from Tinseltown, which Ed bought for Min for fifty-five bucks.
  • Ed marvels that he's sitting in a park with Min—his girlfriends tend to prefer games and keg parties.
  • He doesn't get out much, seems like.
  • Ed explains he thought the world was ordinary, but Min makes everything seem magical. It's sweet, actually.
  • Remember "Lottie Carson," the old lady they followed on their first date? Min wants to throw a party for her eighty-ninth birthday, which is on December 5.
  • This is why Min is so excited about the cookbook—she's going to use it to make recipes for the party.
  • On the menu: an igloo made with cubed eggs (?), a recipe inspired by the movie that Ed and Min saw on their first date, and cookies made from a recipe by Lottie Carson herself.
  • The latter should be made with stolen sugar, so the couple decides to go to a nearby diner.
  • But first: the thrift store for an overcoat in which to hide the stolen sugar.
  • Min's talking a mile a minute about the party. Ed interrupts for a second to point out that they don't know the lady they followed is actually Lottie Carson.
  • Min points out that December 5 isn't just Lottie Carson's birthday, though; it will also be her two-month anniversary with Ed.
  • Ed seems mildly alarmed that Min is already thinking about two-month anniversaries. But they brush this aside.
  • It's an hour until the thrift shop opens, so Ed and Min get busy. With each other. Ed and Min take off all their clothes, but they don't go all the way.
  • Later on, at home, Min finds a seedpod from the park on her cardigan. She lovingly puts it away in her drawer, where it will stay until it moves to the breakup box.