Why We Broke Up Chapter 15 Summary

  • Within the breakup box, there is a toy truck. Min is riding in a real truck, with Al, still writing her letter to Ed, while holding the toy truck in her hand.
  • Flashback to the post-game party—it's a bonfire. Min and Ed ride there in someone's car.
  • Ed leaves Min to go find beer. She isn't sure what to do with herself, so, drawn to the fire, she throws in her ticket to the game.
  • Min's revelry is broken by Jillian Beach, Ed's ex-girlfriend. She's with another girl who makes a joke about Min being a virgin. Min jokes right back, holding her own against the mean girls.
  • Jillian's friend, mean girl number two, is Annette. Annette quickly softens and apologizes for Jillian, who is really drunk.
  • And bitter. Jillian and Ed only broke up last week, and Jillian doesn't like that Min came to the party.
  • Jillian leaves and Annette apologizes to Min a second time. She should probably apologize for the rest of the book, that's how rude Jillian was.
  • Min is feeling insecure. Annette makes small talk and Min starts to feel better. It works for a few minutes, until Annette brings up the fact that she, too, is Ed's ex-girlfriend.
  • Whoops, Min had forgotten that Annette and Ed used to go out. She apologizes.
  • Annette says it's no big deal because she and Ed are still good friends.
  • Min gets lost in her thoughts for a minute. She thinks about how weird it is that someday, she will also be Ed's ex-girlfriend. She thinks about her ex-boyfriend, Joe, and how they never talk anymore even though they said they'd stay friends. She also thinks about how she used to think of Ed as a hero, and now he's her boyfriend. Weird.
  • Ed has returned on the arm of drunk Jillian. Oh dear…
  • Annette dutifully drags Jillian away, but not before Jillian insults Min a few more times. It's really uncomfortable.
  • Ed's sorry, and Min's mad—but not for long.
  • Ed has a surprise for Min: It's a toy truck. Yes, the one from the breakup box.
  • He used to lose his own toy trucks when he played here as a child, so now he always looks for them at the bonfires. Only Min could possibly understand this tale of woe.
  • Min's charmed enough to make out with Ed for a while. In the back of her mind, she's willing the bonfire to be over already. She's already looking forward to their plans for tomorrow, a trip to Tip Top Goods.
  • Ed has an idea: He takes Min to Steve's car to fool around.
  • Remembering their time in Steve's car, Min feels conflicted. On one hand, she thinks it was disgusting and clichéd, but on the other, she thinks it was beautiful.