Why We Broke Up Chapter 5 Summary

  • Breakup box item number two: a movie ticket from Ed and Min's first date. Flashback to Min pacing outside the theater, wondering if Ed will even show up.
  • Here's Ed—still looking like a Greek god, though thankfully he has left his puking friend at home.
  • They make small talk. Ed has only been to this movie theater twice—once on a field trip, and once with his dad. Min is here every week, though. Voluntarily. For fun.
  • They're watching an old movie starring Lottie Carson, an actress who Min is obsessed with. Not so obsessed, however, to prevent her from totally making out with Ed through half the movie. Priorities, yo.
  • They leave the theater and try to decide what comes next. Min suggests they grab something to eat, but then she has an idea for an adventure, as yet unnamed.