Why We Broke Up Sadness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The thunk, I admit it, will make me smile. A rare thing lately. (2.2)

Right off the bat, Min's tells Ed she's been sad about their breakup. Sorry, girl—smiling won't be so rare soon, Shmoop promises.

Quote #2

She told me it would be hard dating her brother the basketball star. "You'll be a widow," she told me, licking the spoon and turning up Hawk. "A basketball widow, bored out of your mind while he dribbles all over the world." (4.55)

"Widow" is an interesting choice of word, no? It foreshadows the way in which Min will grieve the relationship.

Quote #3

"Take them back, Ed. Here they are. Take back the smile and the night, take it all back, I wish I could." (4.111)

Min says she'd change the past if she could. No doubt about it, she's got a raging case of regret.