Al Capone Does My Shirts Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I'll just make it quick, that's all. A couple of seconds to look. One minute, that will be enough. A ball could be sitting right there out in the open, just waiting for me. I know this is a lousy idea. But it doesn't matter. A gap in the fence is a magnet. It just is. (23.53)

Moose likes to steer clear of dangerous adventures, but when an opportunity presents itself, he can't resist. Finding a gap in the fence is pretty much his golden ticket. Suddenly, the possibility of exploring something forbidden is incredibly real and exciting.

Quote #8

"Hey, Moose." The con's voice is scratchy and an octave too high, like a girl's almost. "You want this?" He reaches inside the coat draped over his leg. He has a gun. I can't breathe. He's going to shoot. But then I see. Information seeps into my brain. It isn't a gun.

It's a baseball. (26.8-9)

Moose comes face to face with a convict, and he's so scared that his imagination literally takes over—when the con offers him a baseball, he sees a gun instead. He's been bracing himself for a real adventure for so long that when he has a bite of one, his mind takes it way too far.

Quote #9

"This is amazing!" Piper says, her eyes glowing. I've never seen her so excited. "Think maybe he could get autographs too, Moose? Because Al Capone's signature, that is worth a fortune! This is the beginning, Moose!"

"NO! THIS IS THE END!" I shut the door in her face. (27.51-52)

When Piper finds out that Natalie and Moose have met 105, she feels like she's struck gold. Which is the opposite of how Moose feels, since he's worried for his sister's safety. Piper throws safety and well-being to the wind, though, and can only think of all the amazing (and totally imaginary) possibilities.