Al Capone Does My Shirts Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"You get a convict baseball, you'll show it to me first, right?" Scout whispers.

"Sure." I nod.

"Will I have to pay?"

"Nope. I get one, you'll see it free and clear," I say.

"You're all right, Moose." He smiles his warm slow smile and I scoot back to my seat. (14.25-29)

Scout really wants one of those fancy convict baseballs, and he pulls the loyalty card on Moose to try to get one. Since they're such good friends, Moose will give Scout the baseball first… right, buddy old pal?

Quote #5

"You don't have to come," I tell Theresa. "He didn't call you."

"I have to come. Who's going to get you out of trouble?" Theresa says, walking in her two sock feet. (19.25-26)

Theresa takes friendship really seriously. When all the other kids get into trouble with the warden, Theresa comes along to defend them, no questions asked. And no time to lose, too—she doesn't even put shoes on for the occasion.

Quote #6

In English class Miss Bimp pairs Scout and me together for a journalism project. And just like that we're friends again. (23.1)

Friendship can be fickle, especially when you're in the seventh grade—friends can come in and out pretty quickly. Moose is happy to find out that after all the problems with baseball practice, Scout has forgiven him and now it's like nothing even happened. And all it took was them being paired together for a school project.