Al Capone Does My Shirts Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I've never walked over here and suddenly it seems like a bad idea. I'm wondering if maybe I should turn around when I see a huge chain-link fence that blocks our path. (15.75)

Moose's guilt nags at him when the whole convict-baseball ordeal starts. He feels guilty dragging Natalie along when he knows that his attention won't be totally on her. He has a feeling that if he neglects watching out for her, something bad is going to happen.

Quote #5

I go home like I'm supposed to, but the second my mom leaves, I let Natalie get her buttons and I give her as much lemon cake as she wants. I'm not sorry about it either. (18.40)

This is pretty much the only instance where Moose isn't plagued by guilt. When his mom's schedule makes it impossible for him to play ball with his friends after school, she hits a nerve, and Moose is so outraged that he deliberately gives Natalie all the things that Mom doesn't want her to have, without feeling any guilt whatsoever. Payback.

Quote #6

The warden's eyebrows wag. He rolls his tongue over his teeth. "The one thing I've never had patience for is a person who blames someone else to lessen her own culpability. I can't tell you how disappointed I am to see you behave this way, young lady." (19.42)

Such injustice. The poor kids of Alcatraz are getting into trouble for something that they didn't do. Piper did it, and her dad is the one they're in trouble with, which only makes things worse. He's guilt-tripping the kids by telling them not to shift blame away from themselves… which is exactly what his daughter is doing. Ugh.