Al Capone Does My Shirts Honesty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I wasn't born yesterday, you aren't the first kids to break the rules, but you will be the last children on this island to ever do anything like this again. […] This is about greed and silliness and incredibly poor judgment. Do you have anything to say for yourself? Moose?"

"Sir, I didn't do anything. That's what I've been trying—"

"NO EXCUSES!" the warden roars so loud, even Natalie looks up. (19.69-71)

Nothing worse is someone telling you that you're being deceitful when you're actually telling the truth. The warden is accusing everyone of greed and poor judgment—and they can't even defend themselves. Ugh.

Quote #8

Piper's hat is tipped to the side. She's watching me out of the corners of her eyes.

"You were chewing out Natalie. You were yelling at her," Piper says.

"I wasn't!"

"Yes, you were! I heard you. You never yell at her. What's going on?" she demands. (27.12-15)

Moose is lying to Piper about what happened while he was looking for a convict baseball. But this time, it's excusable because he's hiding the truth to protect Natalie and himself. Piper is out of control when it comes to exciting news, and is all ready to walk all over the situation. Moose has every right to hold his cards close.

Quote #9

The thing to do is come clean. Talk to my mom. Talk to my dad. Tell them. They'll understand. It was an accident. Three minutes. Five at the most. My mom said to treat Nat like a regular sister. Well, I certainly would leave a regular sister for five minutes. My mom can't be mad. Together we'll work out the right thing to do so this will never happen again. (28.1)

When Moose finds himself in a bind, he decides to eliminate any guilt on his part by telling the truth. If he's honest with his parents about what's happened with 105, then there will be nothing to hide, and his conscience will be clear. This shows that he really does have a good conscience—enough to know that hiding a serious situation will come to no good.