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The Bourne Identity Chapter 30 Summary

How It All Goes Down

  • Bourne calls d'Anjou at the switchboard—there's some burble about how they were in Medusa together. D'Anjou calls Bourne Delta, and then there's some business with flashbacks.
  • Anyway, Bourne tells d'Anjou that Lavier is dead and d'Anjou may be next.
  • D'Anjou doesn't believe him at first, but Bourne eventually convinces him to meet outside the Louvre. He says he'll give d'Anjou the identity of his employer, which he can use to protect himself.
  • Bourne tells d'Anjou to tell Carlos about the meeting; they'll think they're trapping him.
  • Bourne goes to the meeting place in a taxi and does various tricky spy moves to sow confusion with the bad guys in cars.
  • Bourne races out of the car and sees bad guys on foot who plan to kill d'Anjou, since he's no longer needed.
  • Bourne saves d'Anjou, who now is forced to admit that yep, Carlos is trying to kill him.
  • Bourne catches a glimpse of Carlos gunning for them, but he misses. Not such a great assassin after all, now, is he?
  • Bourne and d'Anjou go off to confab at a café, which is what you do in Paris, we guess.
  • Bourne tells d'Anjou that Carlos is Bergeron, but d'Anjou says he's thought of it often before but rejected it as too improbable. (Shmoop thinks Bourne is right.)
  • Anyway, d'Anjou says, it doesn't matter at the moment, since he's going to Asia and doesn't want anything else to do with Carlos, ever.
  • D'Anjou is willing to help Bourne get Carlos, though, since then Carlos won't be trying to kill him.
  • D'Anjou tells Bourne that Madame Villiers—Angélique is her name—is from Venezuela like Carlos. She may be Carlos's first cousin and lover.
  • And now more re-exposition of things we know: d'Anjou gets Bourne up to speed on the plot so far, including the fact that his real name isn't Jason Bourne.