How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"You know this merger has been choreographed down to the most minute detail, and this is how it's going to be. It's good for business, and anything that's good for business is good for the family," Colin said bitterly. (1.17.19)
Colin Khoo is no fool. He knows that despite his love for his bride-to-be, the only reason the marriage is happening is because it's "good for business." Ouch.
Quote #5
"You can't afford to fall in love with Simon." (2.11.6)
This nugget, pulled from a longer monologue of Francesca's, details all the reasons why Isabel needs to move on from the man she's in love with. Not because he's a bad person, but, you know, because he won't make enough money.
Quote #6
"Do you think I'm that simple-minded, that I think I'm the first woman whose husband ever had an affair? I'm not going anywhere, Michael. I'm standing right here, trying to work through this with you, for the sake of our marriage. For the sake of our son." (2.14.47)
We beginning to understand the depth of Astrid's love for Michael. She is willing to work through the pain of being cheated on to save her marriage and preserve a home for her son. That's commitment, honey.