How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
Standing by the altar, Colin gazed at the ravishing bride coming toward him, realizing that all the pain and fuss over the past few months had been worth it. "I can hardly believe it, but I don't think I've ever been happier," he whispered to his best man. […]
As Araminta reached the altar where her future husband awaited, with the Bishop of Singapore in front of her and the most important people in Asia behind her, one thought alone crossed her mind: Astrid Leong […]couldn't even be bothered to wear a new dress to her wedding. (3.4.71-3.4.76)
We've juxtaposed these two to illustrate a sad reality: Colin is over the moon at his wedding; his bride, on the other hand, has one thought when she reaches the altar, and it's about Astrid's dress.
Quote #8
"If you love Rachel as much as you say you do, then you need to be that blue jay for her […] He would never give up trying. He would take an impossible situation and make everything possible." (3.16.54)
Colin strikes again as a stellar best friend. Out of his own love for Nick, he pushes him to pull himself together and make everything possible to get Rachel back.
Quote #9
Charlie let out a deep sigh. If he didn't have a chance of getting Astrid back, he at least wanted to try to help her. He wanted her to find love again with her husband. He wanted to see the joy return to Astrid's face, that glow he had witnessed all those years ago at the bonfire on the beach. He wanted to pass it on. (3.17.66)
While Charlie isn't much of an ancillary character, he is an example of selfless love that contrasts starkly against the numbers of people marrying for status.