The Crystal Cave Ambition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"I see now what your magic is, this 'power' you talk of. […] It is nothing but human trickery, an attempt at statecraft which my brother taught you to like and to play for and to believe was your mystery. It is trickery to promise men what they desire, to let them think you have the power to give it, but to keep the price secret, and then leave them to pay." (V.10.25)

Uther is pretty miffed that his night of lovin' with Ygraine has turned into an enormous disaster. This was not what Merlin promised when he said he could arrange the hookup. But Merlin doesn't really care about Uther's opinions at this point. Is Merlin really playing a political game here? To some extent, yes. He's working with supernatural powers to bring about the birth of the super king, Arthur. But Merlin acknowledges that he, like Uther, is nothing but a tool in the cabinet of the gods.