The Crystal Cave Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

There are many stories about the Dance, how the stones were brought from Africa, and put up by giants of old, or how they were giants themselves, caught and turned to stone by a curse as they danced in a ring. (IV.7.8)

Stewart's book is a complex layering of legend upon legend, as we see here in Merlin's memories about Stonehenge. It's the layers of history and the imprint of past humans that Merlin feels when he gets the creeps among the sacred stones.

Is he simply sensitive to the passage of time and previous generations, or does Merlin really have some special powers that make these layers of history more transparent to him? Chew on that.

Quote #8

These tenons and sockets had been fashioned by men, craftsmen such as I had watched almost daily for the last few years, in Less Britain, then in York, London, Winchester. And massive as they were, giants' building as they seemed to be, they had been raised by the hands of workmen, to the commands of engineers, and to the sound of music such as I heard from the blind singer of Kerrec. (IV.7.8)

Merlin sees the stones of Stonehenge for what they are: really big rocks that were jostled into place by the hard work of earlier generations. He refuses to believe that they were moved by magic. In this sense, Merlin isn't a wizard or magician. He's utterly practical and highly aware of the traditions and stories of the past.

Quote #9

"They say that in times past that stone came out of Britain, out of the mountains of the west, in sight of the Irish Sea, and that the great King of all Ireland, Fionn Mac Cumhaill was his name, carried it in his arms one night and walked through the sea with it to Ireland." (IV.10)

Uther takes an Irish poet prisoner, and this is the explanation they get from him about the origin of the king-stone at Killare. Merlin believes none of it, but it makes for a good story. And that's really a great part of Merlin's power: he can read between the lines of story and song and get to the reality that will help him get the job done.