The Crystal Cave Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Then suddenly, directly overhead, the clouds parted, and there, sailing through them like a ship through running waves, the star.

It hung there among the dazzle of smaller stars, flickering at first, then pulsing, growing, bursting with light and all the colours that you see in dancing water. I watched it wax and flame and break open in light… (V.8.22-23)

Merlin has just literally had the worst night of his life: his plan to sneak Uther in to Tintagel to hook up with Ygraine has gone disastrously wrong. Cadal is dead, along with several others. He's wondering just what good these powers of his really are.

But then he understands that one huge thing has been accomplished: the conception of the fabulous King Arthur. The king-star, which grows and dances in the sky as a sign of King Arthur's rise, reassures Merlin that all the suffering has been worth it.