The Crystal Cave Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"It's like waiting below a cover of cloud, then suddenly a wind shifts it and it breaks, and the light stabs down and catches me, sometimes full, sometimes only the flying edge of the pillars of sunlight. One day I shall be free of the whole temple." (II.12.106)

Merlin tries to prophesy for Ambrosius, but he Just. Can't. Do. It. He understands that he's limited by his experience and ability to handle his powers. Ambrosius is pretty chill about it, but Merlin's frustrated. What does he mean by when he says, "One day I shall be free of the whole temple"? Hard to say, but it's clear that Merlin looks forward to a day when he can leap over the mental boundaries that limit his supernatural abilities.

Quote #5

Perhaps after all the god had brought me here for this, perhaps was still driving me. Put yourself in his path.[…] Well, one could only use what was to hand. If I had no power to use, I had knowledge. (III.8.19)

Merlin finds himself in a sticky situation. Vortigern wants to sacrifice him and use his blood to mix into the cement that holds his tower together. Merlin can't believe that the god has led him to this place simply to be sacrificed for a crummy tower. He has to believe that he can do some good for Ambrosius even while captured by the enemy. As in so many other situations, Merlin's going to put that "degree" in engineering to good use. He knows that his scientific knowledge, not supernatural power, will be the key to saving his skin here.

Quote #6

"What do you see?"
Ambrosius' voice made me start. I looked at him, surprised. "See?"
"In the fire, Merlin the prophet."
"Nothing but dead men roasting." (IV.5.53-56)

Merlin isn't really on his best behavior here. Ambrosius has ordered Hengist's body to be burnt on a traditional Saxon funeral pyre out of respect. And since Merlin needs fire to see the future, Ambrosius thinks, "Hey, why not kill two birds with one stone?" But Merlin's having none of it. Perhaps it's the stench of the dead bodies cooking on an open fire. Or perhaps it's because Merlin can't prophesy on demand. Either way, no new knowledge is coming out of this experience.