Everneath Chapter 21 Summary

  • In the now: Back at school, Cole shows up in Nikki's art class (as Neal). She ignores him.
  • When class lets out, Cole follows Nikki back to her locker. Jack is waiting there, and he calls Cole by his real name before walking off. Cole seems mad that Nikki told him everything.
  • Except then Cole realizes that Nikki didn't tell Jack everything: She didn't tell him about how she has to leave for the Tunnels. Cole asks how she can even trust Jack, after what happened between them right before the Feed.
  • Nikki has a revelation: She's witnessed Cole manipulating people's emotions, and that's probably what he did to her back then—Cole made her doubt Jack.
  • In the past (two days before the Feed): The man who killed Nikki's mother in a car accident is let off on a technicality. She freaks out and has a fight with her dad, who's giving the press some lame quote about finding healing through forgiveness.
  • Nikki runs out of her home, bumping into Cole on the porch. He's come to hang out, but she announces that she's going to go visit Jack—he tells her to drive safely.
  • Nikki drives for an hour to reach the football camp at Utah State University. She gets a teammate to tell her which room Jack is in… and she finds Lacey inside, dressed in lingerie.
  • Horribly ashamed, Nikki runs back to her car. She sees Jack waving to her from a window, but she decides that whatever he has to say to her would probably crush her. Luckily, though, she knows someone who can take away pain: Cole.
  • Cole tells her that he can take the pain away, but there's no going back. As Nikki's negative emotions begin to drain away, she realizes that she should've stayed and heard Jack out. She tries to leave, but can't get up and go.
  • When Nikki says that she needs to talk to Jack, Cole tells her to relax—she won't even remember his name soon.