Everneath Chapter 32 Summary

  • Nikki writes her family goodbye letters and hides them, hoping to make it back before they get read.
  • Jack and Nikki drive to Cole's place, where Jack tries to convince Cole that he wants to send Nikki with him so that she can be an Everliving instead of going to the Tunnels.
  • As they talk, Will sneaks into the condo and grabs Cole's guitar. He throws it off the balcony. Nothing happens.
  • Cole tells Nikki that his heart was actually hidden in his guitar pick, which he always keeps on him.
  • Clouds begin to form as the Tunnels arrive for Nikki. Jack tries to convince her to go with Cole because he doesn't want to see her suffer, but she refuses. They say they love each other.
  • Something clicks for Jack: Meredith told him to be strong like Orpheus—and Orpheus chose to be a hero.
  • Nikki asks Jack to look after her family. He says no, and then he tells her to watch over Will. He says he's ever hers, and then shoves her to the ground and leaps into the cloud feet-first.
  • Nikki screams and holds onto his hand. The mark crawls from her skin onto his.
  • And then he's gone.
  • Will tells Nikki that he's getting her out of there. She closes her eyes and counts the seconds since he's been gone. Maybe that'll help her stay connected to him…
  • In the past (sophomore year): Before Nikki and Jack are actually together, she has a huge crush on him. He comes to find her in the hallway after talking to Jules about her—apparently Jules spilled the beans about Nikki like-liking him.
  • Jack asks Nikki if it's true. She avoids the question, but finally tells him that yes, they can be more than friends. The future holds everything for them.