Everneath Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I reached over and put my hand on her arm. I understood about disappointing people. "Friends forgive each other."

She looked up from her bowl. "I don't think you believe that any more than I do." (8.68-69)

Before Nikki has any idea who Mary actually is, they have this conversation about friendship. Nikki is trying to be optimistic about friends forgiving one another (possibly because she hopes the people in her life can forgive her for disappearing for the Feed), but Mary shoots this idea down. It's a nice thought, but how realistic is it for friends to always forgive each other, no matter the transgression?

Quote #2

Jack and Jules had been friends before I left, but it was mostly through me. I wondered if they ate together every day now. Nobody seemed to notice them. (12.6)

During her Return, Nikki notices how close Jack and Jules seem to have gotten. They were friends before, sure, but is there something else going on now? It's not uncommon for close friends to start dating, and in fact that's how Nikki and Jack got together. Is Nikki just being paranoid here?

Quote #3

Her words held an unspoken warning for me. Don't hurt him again. Jules was here as Jack's friend. Not mine. (15.24)

During Nikki's Return, Jules pays her a visit to tell her about all of the horrible stuff Jack went through when Nikki disappeared. This is when Nikki has a tough realization: In her absence, Jules and Jack have in fact become close friends. Jules wants to look out for Jack's mental health, and because of this, she's warning Nikki about what Jack has already been through for her.