Everneath Chapter 8 Summary

  • In the now: A few more Saturdays pass before Nikki sees Mary at the soup kitchen again. Mary asks Nikki to eat with her, so Nikki does.
  • Nikki tries to ask about Penelope's daughter, but Mary alternates between looking frightening and looking like she's trying to stifle laughter. Mary says she's from Park City and only has her mom around.
  • Nikki admires the heavy silver bracelet Mary wears, and Mary says it's been in her family for generations—and then Mary looks confused and scared, and asks Nikki what's waiting for her next.
  • Nikki tries to say something reassuring, but she's confused. While cleaning up, a volunteer with a braid talks to Nikki about Mary, and corrects her: Mary isn't looking for the daughter of Penelope, she's looking for the Daughters of Persephone. Weird.
  • The next week, Nikki sees Mary sitting with a middle-aged woman. When the woman leaves, Nikki asks Mary who that was.
  • Mary answers that the woman was her mother (despite the weird age discrepancy) and says that her mother's mad at her because she has one of her belongings.
  • Nikki tries to ask about the Daughters of Persephone, but Mary tells her to stop trying to help.