Everneath Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Why did you come back? And remember, it doesn't count if you're not honest. And, Nik." He paused, his gaze boring into me. "I'll know if you're lying." (3.80)

Cole has this seriously intense dynamic with Nikki where he claims to know when she's lying to him. Is it because he fed on her emotions for a century? Or is he simply so old that he knows a lie when he hears one?

Quote #2

Cole obviously had secrets he was keeping from me, and I could only think of one reason he would do that—he had a weak point. Cole valued his power. I had to assume he would conceal anything that posed a threat to that power. (6.30)

When Nikki manages to un-cloud her thinking by not being in Cole's presence, she realizes that he's probably hiding stuff from her for a reason. Specifically, she thinks he's deceiving her about all kinds of things related to his power. And this notion is enough to motivate her to get up and do something about it.

Quote #3

It was Cole. No question. But he had somehow changed his appearance, down to his hair and his skin. (10.6)

What better way to lie than through your very appearance? Cole apparently has the power to do this, though how he manages it is a mystery to Nikki. But by changing his looks, Cole manages to get closer to Nikki and throw her off guard, which is probably just one more way for him to manipulate her.