Everneath Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Certain emotions were stronger than others, and would hit me when I wasn't ready. Like when my dad told me he was so happy I was back and that he didn't blame me, but his disappointment in the air tasted as strong as a clump of salt. (1.26)

Ouch. When Nikki is a new Return to our world, and her emotions are all raw and empty and stuff, she can sense other people's feelings. And to know that her dad is unhappy with her for disappearing, well, that's rough. What will it take for Nikki's dad to forgive her?

Quote #2

Last year, I'd left my dad in the heat of an argument. I threw despicable words at him and then walked out and never came back. This time, I was determined to do things better. I would not leave him, alone in a room, with echoes of the things I never should've said frozen in the air. (2.8)

Nikki feels really badly about the way she left things with her dad. Like, big time. She's not sure if she can redeem herself in his eyes, but she's sure going to try. She decides to play by his rules (including going to school, keeping up her grades, and peeing in a cup every so often) in order to demonstrate her good will during her Return.

Quote #3

"I've arranged for you to do community service at the Road Home Soup Kitchen, starting next week. You will serve one lunch hour for every day you were gone. Clear?" (2.71)

Nikki's dad is a by-the-book kind of guy, so he wants Nikki to do community service now that she's returned from her strung-out drug-spree (or whatever it is he thinks she was doing during her absence). It raises a good point: When someone misbehaves, how do they make amends? Do they makes amends just to the people they've wronged, or to the community as a whole?