The Fallen Star Duty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"At any moment during your little huddle up, someone could have strolled up, and I'm pretty sure neither one of you would've noticed," Alex said.

"Yeah we would've," I protested. "Both of us have a clear view of each side of the hall." (17.177-178)

Alex is acting like he's upset because Laylen and Gemma aren't doing their job as lookouts, but everyone can tell that he's just annoyed that they're getting along. Jealous much?

Quote #5

"There are two of them standing at the top of the stairs… What we need is a decoy." He turned around, his eyes locking on Laylen. "Someone to distract them while I get Gemma out of here."

"And I'm assuming you want me to be that decoy." Laylen's tone didn't sound bitter, but empty. (17.211-212)

Alex doesn't want Laylen around most of the time, but when they're all in mortal peril, he's suddenly happy to have Laylen on his team—so long as he acts as the decoy to distract the Death Walkers.

Quote #6

Alex cast one last look at Aislin and Laylen, then he tightened his grip on my hand and tugged me after him as he sprinted down the hall, leaving Aislin and Laylen behind to fight the deathly ice monsters by themselves. (17.224)

You have to hand it to Aislin and Laylen: They're both serious warriors. They don't even act scared when told that they have to stay behind and fight off the Death Walkers; they just rise to the challenge.