The Fallen Star Fate vs. Free Will Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"In this world—" he motioned around us— "a lot of things do. Take me, for instance. A Keeper turned vampire. A complete contradiction. One stands for evil, the other for good." (17.171)

Many people believe that vampires are fated to be evil and bloodthirsty, but Laylen's proved them wrong. He's not a representation of evil; he's been able to overcome his vampire side and maintain his human compassion and logic.

Quote #5

But I wondered if there would ever be a time where I could just freely enjoy the feeling. Or freely enjoy my life. Would I ever be just normal? Maybe after I stopped this end-of-the-world thing from happening, I might be able to live freely.

But what was even going to happen to me after I stopped the end of the world from happening? (20.100-101)

Gemma just hopes that she's not fated to live this scary, complicated life forever—she wants to experience a normal life like other teenagers and young adults. It would be nice to live like other people for a change.

Quote #6

And that's when I knew it. I was never going to be normal. I was never going to be able to enjoy things, be happy, and do whatever I wanted with my life. I choked. (20.112)

When Alex won't answer her questions, Gemma realizes that a part of the prophecy must state that she has to die. That's a real bummer. She hates that she's just fated to live out this life and die without having any say in it.