The Fallen Star Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I heard a loud shriek, and through the icy windows I thought I saw a flicker of yellow. I could hear Alex and Aislin talking… something about getting out of here and transporting—whatever that was—but I couldn't seem to take my eyes off the frozen window to see what they were doing. I think I was frozen in terror—literally. (12.67)

Looks like Gemma wasn't silly to be afraid of the monsters from her nightmares after all, because they're real and they've invaded her field trip. The poor girl's so terrified she can't even move or run away.

Quote #5

"I can also sense when a person's afraid," Laylen remarked.

"I'm not afraid," I told him.

"I know." He stood up and dusted off his jeans. "Which makes you kind of weird." (15.105-107)

So Gemma is afraid of ice demons and cute boys (like Alex), but she's not afraid of being alone with a bloodsucking vampire. That seems perfectly logical… right? No wonder her peers think she's so weird.

Quote #6

We couldn't have just stopped back in the land of the living, where the lights shined brightly and it didn't feel like as soon as I stepped out of the car someone was going to jump out and stab me with a knife. Or jump out and freeze me to death. (17.32)

Gemma is enamored with all of the glitz of Las Vegas, but when Laylen pulls into a sketchy side street, she starts to get nervous. After all, they're not on vacation here; they're on the run from scary Death Walkers who want to bring on the apocalypse.