The Fallen Star Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Maybe. But she also might already be down there." He sighed. "Sometimes when someone inexperienced tries to see into the future, they just end up seeing something that has already happened."

"So she could be down there right now!" The loudness of my voice made us both glance around nervously. (22.44-45)

Gemma is worried that the scene at the lake is about to happen, but Alex explains to her that it might be a memory. See, she's not a very experienced Foreseer; she's just getting started.

Quote #5

His forehead creased over. "You know, I'm really surprised you don't remember anything about her."

"How could I?" I wondered. "I was only a year old when she died."

He stared at me, dumbfounded. "No you weren't. You were four." (23.81-83)

So here's another thing that Gemma's been lied to about for her whole life: She was four when her mother disappeared, which makes it strange that she doesn't remember her. Why wouldn't she have any early childhood memories?

Quote #6

He shook his head. "Memory loss isn't a side effect from getting bitten. Something else had to happen to me. The only thing I can remember about that night is coming out of a club alone and thinking I heard a noise from behind me. When I turned around, everything went black. I'm not sure if I blacked out or what but when I did come to, I was sprawled out in an alley with a bite mark on my neck." (23.164)

Other vampires remember being bitten as this huge, life-changing event, but for some reason, Laylen doesn't recall what happened to him at all. He still doesn't know who bit him that night.