The Fallen Star The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She spun around the pole, and then locked her haunting grey eyes on me. I felt my breath catch. My body suddenly felt so warm, like I was liquefying. My limbs, my muscles, everything centered to her. I knew what I needed to do. I needed to go to her. Right now. It was imperative that I did… a matter of life or death. (17.121)

Our girl Gemma really needs to be more careful around supernatural beings. She feels intensely drawn to the Black Angel, but doesn't seem to realize that it's probably a dangerous creature.

Quote #8

"But I don't have the power of a star flowing inside me, do I?" He rapped his fingers on the crystal ball again, trying to prove his point. "Who knows what might happen if you touch it? You might set off its power or something and get sucked into a vision. In fact, you probably shouldn't touch anything at all." (20.63)

Alex warns Gemma against touching anything in Adessa's shop. After all, it's a place where witches buy their goods, so there have to be some pretty dangerous magical objects sitting around.

Quote #9

Then they were gone.

"What the heck?" I was resting somewhere between being completely fascinated and absolutely terrified. "Where did they go?"

"To a secret place where Adessa keeps certain things hidden," Laylen answered. (20.83-85)

Gemma is a bit unnerved by the fact that Aislin basically disappears into thin air with the woman who owns this magic shop, but everyone else acts like it's totally normal. Maybe magic becomes mundane after you've been around it for a while.