The Fallen Star Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

A loud bang, followed by a shriek, and then something fell, hitting the floor with a heavy thud.

Buzzing filled my head as I cracked open my eyelids. I let out a gasp. Sprawled on the floor, just in front of my feet, was the Death Walker, either unconscious or dead—I couldn't tell since it looked dead even when it was alive. (19.19)

Wow, Alex can totally kick butt when he needs to. With the Sword of Immortality in his hand, he charges in and kills the Death Walker before it freezes Gemma to death. What a hero!

Quote #5

"There were only two." He pulled me toward the door. "And this—" he lifted the sword into the air— "makes killing them easy." (19.35)

Thank goodness Alex and his group have the Sword of Immortality now. With this, they at least stand a fighting chance against the Death Walkers so they can fight back instead of just waiting to freeze to death.

Quote #6

The next thing I knew, Alex's fist was slamming into Stephan's face. After that, everything moved by in a blur. Stephan staggered back. Alex yelled at me to run. Suddenly, I found myself running inside the house and out the back door into the forest. (34.25)

It's got to take a lot for Alex to punch Stephan in the face since dude's his hero and father, but he can tell that something seems off, and he's not going to let the Death Walkers just kill them both.