- The next day, Titus is at Violet's house, and it's still awkward.
- She tells him that she lost a year of memories. She now can'tremember the year before she got the feed—the year that she was six.
- Violet assures Titus that no matter what, they're still together, and she won't forget him.
- Again, Titus is just not into it, and is prettynon-committal to her.
- Plowing ahead, Violet again talks about all the things she wants to experience—and then she realizes that all of the things she lists offto Titus that she wants to do are all openings from various sitcoms.
- Titus points out that her wish to see a Mayan temple isn'tfrom a sitcom—that's all her, baby.
- He then wants to know what her seizure at the party felt like. She tells him it felt good, but it was also like "singing a hitsingle. But in Hell" (40.30).