Graceling Chapter 2 Summary

  • A bit of exposition informs us that the kidnapped man is Prince Tealiff, the father of the Lienid king, King Ror. (Yeah, a prince but also a grandfather? We don't get it either.) But even though the Council tracked Tealiff to King Murgon's dungeons, they still don't know who actually kidnapped him or why. It's a mystery, and a tough one to solve since so few of the kings in the seven kingdoms can be trusted.
  • The Council knows that Katsa's uncle, King Randa of the Middluns, wasn't involved in the kidnapping, and they also rule out the Lienid king, King Ror, because, well—why would he kidnap his own dad? They also give King Leck of Monsea a pass for two reasons: one, he has a reputation for being kind to children, animals, and all helpless creatures; and two, he's married to King Ror's sister, Ashen, which makes Prince Tealiff his father-in-law.
  • Ultimately the Council suspects one of the kings from Wester, Nander, or Estill is involved.
  • Katsa, Oll, and Giddon arrive in Randa City with their rescue-ee just before sunrise. Katsa leads him on horseback as far as she can, and then, since the old grandfather passes out, she carries him up a steep set of stairs to an unguarded entrance at the castle wall. Needless to say, she's pretty strong.
  • Once there, Katsa is met by her friend and cousin, Prince Raffin, who relieves her of the old man, telling her, "Go now, and safely. I'll take care of this one" (2.42).