Graceling Characters

Meet the Cast


A Rose By Any Other NameKatsa, Lady Katsa, Kat, Wildcat. She's a woman of many identities. On the one hand she's a trained assassin, capable of killing a man with the nail of her smallest finger (2...

Po (Prince Greening Grandemalion)

High EQ Just as Katsa—who is physically strong, fiercely independent, emotionally reserved, and determined to remain single and childless—takes on many masculine qualities, Prince Greening Gran...

King Randa

Uncle of the Year, He's NotDespite being her uncle, Randa has exploited Katsa since the day her Grace was first discovered, forcing her to commit an execution at the age of ten and numerous other v...


Different from the Get GoFrom her first interaction with Katsa and Po, we sense that Bitterblue is a somewhat extraordinary ten-year-old. After hiding in the woods from her murderous father for hou...

King Leck

Leck. Rhymes with bleck—and for good reason. This guy is unbelievable. He tortures and kills small animals, he abuses women and girls, and his idea of a fun game is trying to get his strong-minde...

King Ror

King Ror, as Katsa notes, is: […] not drunk on his power. He might never dream of helping a sailor to haul a rope, but he would stand with the sailor interestedly while the sailor hauled the rope...

Prince Raffin

What's Not to Love? Raffin is a pretty cool guy. He's a prince who accidentally dyes his hair blue while searching for a cure for headaches; he's Katsa's closest friend and confidant; he's kind, he...


He Looks Good on PaperGiddon is noble, strong, and willing to risk his life for the Council. He has a large holding, a well appointed home, and "warm eyes lighting up a face that was confident and...


We don't know too much about Oll except that way back when Katsa's Grace was first revealed, he's the only one who "wondered, as it had occurred to no one else to wonder, whether Katsa hadn't been...

Captain Faun

A Lot of SimilaritiesCaptain Faun and Katsa have a lot in common. They are both strong, independent women who excel in their fields; they both possess great personal power and are capable of leadin...

Leck's Soldiers

We don't have much to say about Leck's soldiers except that much like the sheep in Animal Farm, they serve as mouthpieces for their leader, blindly repeating his words and messages until they are h...