Graceling Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Graceling.

Marriage Quotes

"Lord Davit," she said, "have you a wife?"He shook his head. "It's the only thing my estate lacks, My Lady."Katsa kept her eyes on her venison and carrots. "My uncle is very disappointed in me, bec...

Isolation Quotes

[…] Randa was clever. He could see that in time his niece might serve a practical purpose. He sent her to her chambers and kept her there for weeks as punishment [for killing her cousin], but tha...

Strength and Skill Quotes

[Katsa] practiced every day. She learned her own speed and her own explosive force. She learned the angle, position, and intensity of a killing blow versus a maiming blow. She learned how to disarm...

Lies and Deceit Quotes

They would all say, when they woke to their headaches and their shame, that the culprit had been a Graceling boy, Graced with fighting, acting alone. They would assume she was a boy because in her...

Men and Masculinity Quotes

Often Raffin [sat at Randa's table], though Randa spoke over him and never cared to hear what he had to say. (7.57)

Women and Femininity Quotes

They would assume she was a boy because in her plain trousers and hood she looked like one, and because when people were attacked it never occurred to anyone that it might have been a girl. (1.17)

Power Quotes

"You need to control a Grace," [Raffin] said. "Especially a killing Grace." (1.37)

Identity Quotes

[Randa's] commands included specifics: blood and pain, for this or that length of time. There was no way around what he wanted. The more Katsa did it, the better she got at it. And Randa got what h...