Little Brother Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Police officer Booger (we don't know his real name):] "You know what, maybe we should arrest you. You can spend a day or two in jail while your lawyer looks for you. A lot can happen in that time. A lot. How'd you like that?" (7.30)

Yeah, this is not the kind of guy you want patrolling your neighborhood.

Quote #5

[Marcus:] "Dad, it's ridiculous. They're not catching any terrorists, are they? It's just making people scared."

[Dad:] "They may not have caught any terrorists yet, but they're sure getting a lot of scumbags off the streets." (8.14-15)

It's street-cleaning time, courtesy of the Department of Homeland Security. Because nothing catches terrorists like picking up bags of scum. Right?

Quote #6

[Jolu] turned to me. "No man, I don't get scared. I'm always scared. I've been scared since the minute the explosions happened. I'm so scared sometimes, I don't want to get out of bed." (10.61)

Jolu and Marcus are trying to fix a system that's bigger than they are. This idea captures what many of the people on the Xnet are feeling; they're scared but they're still trying to fight losing their rights, freedom, and privacy.