Little Brother Characters

Meet the Cast

Marcus Yallow

A.k.a. w1n5t0n, a.k.a. M1k3yMarcus is the engine that drives Little Brother. Without him…well, without him, this would just be a terrifying (and terrifyingly boring) book about terrorists blowing...

Darryl Glover

Darryl might be Marcus' best friend, but he gets very few pages in this book. Still, his muse status (Check out our Character Roles for more on this) makes him important to the plot…which makes h...

Vanessa "Van" Pak

You know what every trio of dudes needs? A kick-butt, smart, non-dude member to make it four people instead of three. (Hey, even the Three Musketeers was actually comprised of four members.)And Van...

Jose-Luis "Jolu" Torrez

Jolu's a programmer and technical whiz kid (what else would you expect from a character in Little Brother?) who's the fourth member of the Marcus/Darryl/Van friend pack. And this guy is super smart...

Angela Carvelli

A.k.a. Ange, a.k.a. spexgrilAnge is Marcus's unexpected love interest (which is the best kind of love interest, in our humble reader's opinion). She and Marcus are both friends with Jolu, but they...

Carrie Johnstone

A.k.a. Severe Haircut LadyWhen you're known simply as "Severe Haircut Lady," it's time to a) rethink your choice of hairstyle and b) stop being such as jerkosaur.Carrie becomes the face of DHS for...

Drew Yallow

Marcus's dad Drew frequently fights with Marcus about privacy and government control. He's a professor of library science and consultant for tech companies about their archives and data practicesâ€...

Lillian Yallow

Marcus's mom Lillian is a British ex-pat. And that's important in ways other than the fact that her nationality has saddled her with a ferocious black tea addiction. Her job is helping other Brits...

Charles Walker

Charles's the bully and snitch at Cesar Chavez High School. (Every high school has at least one.) And because of this, he's the antagonist to Marcus' protagonist. We don't like him, even with what...

Ms. Galvez

Ms. Galvez is Little Brother's resident Guide/Mentor figure. (Check out more in our Character Roles section). She's also a candidate for Best Social Studies Teacher Ever—either fictional or in re...

Mr. Fred Benson

A vice principal at Cesar Chavez High School with an axe to grind, Mr. Benson's mostly important because he fights with Marcus. (Like so many power-hungry authority figures in Little Brother do.)We...

Barbara Stratford

Investigative reporter for the Bay Guardian, Barbara digs into the story about the DHS and writes a big exposé about the Treasure Island prison. She's great at technology and has strong journalist...


Since she's a DHS spy on Xnet, we never get Masha's real name. (But it turns out that she's also the pink haired girl on the other team playing Harajuku Fun Madness that Marcus and the others run i...


Zeb was another unlucky kid captured by the DHS and thrown in Gitmo-by-the-Bay. And, when his appendix burst in prison, he met Darryl in the infirmary. Zeb was questioned for three months and then...