How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Men in Black.
Quote #7
KAY: I haven't been training a partner. I've been training a replacement.
JAY: Wait a minute, Kay. I cannot do this job by myself.
LAUREL: Hey, guys, my apartment isn't anywhere near here. It's not even on the same
island.KAY (Opens neuralyzer:) Days… months… years. Always face it forward.
JAY: Kay…
KAY: I've just been down the gullet of an interstellar cockroach. That's one of a hundred memories that I don't want.
(Jay puts on his glasses.)
KAY: See you around, Jay.
JAY: No, you won't.
Remember earlier in the film, Jay asked when he'd get his own neuralyzer, and Kay flippantly said when he grew up. He wasn't joking. The neuralyzer serves as a rite of passage and is Kay's way of recognizing that Jay's now a Man in Black. Like Dee, Kay's recognized his own coming of age and is done with the hunt. The writers show us Jay's new status by giving him a deadpan line that calls back to the conversation between Kay and Dee: Just before Kay neuralyzes him, Dee says he'll miss the chase; Kay says, "No, Dee, you won't."