Men in Black Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Men in Black.

Quote #4

JAY: What branch of the government do we report to?

KAY: None. They ask too many questions.

Men in Black answer to no authority. This allows them to act quickly and decisively without the hassle of red tape. That might seem fine when the men are the virtuous Kay and Jay, but what about those Gotham Men in Black agents? You just know those guys are on the take.

Quote #5

KAY: Observation, the heart of our little endeavor. Meet the twins, Blblup and Bob. This map shows the location of every registered alien on Earth and any given time, some of them under constant surveillance. Everyone on those screens is an alien. In public, they are as normal as you are. In private, well… you'll get the idea.

If it isn't painfully obvious, Men in Black was made before 9/11, the Patriot Act, and Edward Snowden. Today the idea of government surveillance is a little more real than science fiction, and the debate continues about how many individual freedoms we should relinquish for security reasons. And NSA, if you're reading our texts, we were totally joking about Joe Biden.

Quote #6

JAY: Well, yeah, you know, because he never appreciated you anyway. In fact, you know what? You kicked him out. And now that he's gone, you're gonna go into town, you go to Bloomingdale's, find yourself some nice dresses, get yourself some shoes. You know, find somewhere that maybe you could get a facial. And, oh, hire a decorator to come in here quick, because, damn.

Beatrice had a rough life with Edgar, and Jay takes advantage of the situation to give her at least one pleasant memory out of the experience. Whether they should have this kind of power remains an open question, but you can't deny that's a better memory than a monster bug ate my husband and wore his skin 'round the house.