Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Does Leo have anything to do with this?"

I probably would have told her the truth, but Bear decided what he thought about it before I could even open my mouth.

"Again with the Leo thing?" he yelled at me. "I've had it up to here with that! I don't want to ever hear the name Leo in this house again, understand? You… freak!"

"YOU'RE THE FREAK!" I shouted back. (24.17-20)

Bear, on the other hand, is not so compassionate and understanding. He's pretty much the opposite of Jules when it comes to parenting. Instead of trying to talk to Rafe, he calls the kid a freak and forbids him from talking about Leo. (Which is pretty messed up considering Leo is actually Rafe's dead twin brother.)

Quote #5

"You kids can go ahead and order," she said. "Bear called to say he couldn't make it. He's got somewhere else to be."

"On your birthday?" I asked, which I probably shouldn't have. Mom was trying to pretend like it didn't matter, but she's an artist, not an actress, if you know what I mean. (31.7-8)

Just more confirmation—Bear is the worst. On the plus side, Rafe and Georgia get to have dinner without him.

Quote #6

"Actually, scratch that. I don't care if you work it out or not. Rafe, this is the new arrangement. Carl will be checking your homework, and that's that."

I expected her to say something else, like "And as for you, Carl…" but she didn't. She just got out some eggs and started making breakfast, like nothing had happened.

Like she hadn't just turned me into bear food.

And I thought, I gave up my mission for you.

Mom had always been the one real person I felt like I could trust. Even after Bear moved in with us, I figured she'd still be on my side when it really counted. Now I didn't know what to think anymore, except—GET ME OUT OF HERE! (44.27-31)

Okay, so Rafe feels pretty betrayed by Mom here. He gave up Operation R.A.F.E. because it was making her sad and now she's putting Bear in charge of his homework. Come on, Mom? But in Mom's defense, what is she supposed to do? Rafe is falling behind in school and she's not home to make sure Rafe is doing his schoolwork. Bear is. So, the job falls to him. She in a tough place because she's trying to help Rafe, but she also loves Bear (for some reason). What's a Mom to do?