Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

By Friday, I could tell something was missing. Just breaking the rules by itself wasn't going to cut it. I needed something more. I needed a boost in my game.

I needed… (wait for it)… Leo-izing!

He caught up with me at my locker just before eighth-period English. And of course he knew right away what I should do. Leo always does. (14.5-7)

Let's face it—not all rule-breaking is glamorous. Chewing gum in class is kind of boring. Running in the halls? Amateur hour. If Rafe really wants to get a real breaking-the-law rush, then he's going to have to up the ante.

Quote #5

"Call it the Don't Be a Bear Rule," Leo said.

"How about just the No-Hurt Rule?" I said.

"Good enough," Leo said, and I wrote that down in the notebook too.

I'm not saying I'm some kind of saint. I'm not even saying this made me a better person, whatever that means. (I'm still trying to figure that one out.) But if putting the No-Hurt Rule into the game could make me even a little bit less like Bear, then I was all for it.

Because Bear was all about hurting.

This is actually a pretty good idea. Some of the things Rafe is doing might end up being dangerous or pulling other kids in, so he's smart to start thinking about some of this stuff now. If he gets in trouble, fine: but he's not going to knowingly bring other people down with him.

Quote #6

Leo shrugged. "Could have been worth some good points. "Section Nine, Rule Eleven: Students will not bully, harass, or fight one another anywhere on school property."

"No fair," I said. "Just 'cause I didn't fight him doesn't mean I should lose a life! You never said—"

"I said I'd keep things interesting," Leo told me. "You've got your job, and I've got mine."

It's true: Leo does like to keep things interesting. And maybe he's kind of right. Rafe does end up fighting Miller later in the book. Would an earlier fight have made Miller back off? Or would it have made the bully even madder?