Midwinterblood Immortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The rumors hold that the islanders have recently, or otherwise, discovered that the orchid has health-giving properties, that it promotes well-being and energy. That it regenerates damaged cell tissue. That it could even extend life. That the islanders have extracted an elixir of life from the flower, and are selling it untrialed, and therefore illegally, for exorbitant sums, to the super-rich of the western world.

That is why he has come here. (1.5.27-28)

Eric Seven is determined to get to the bottom of this mystery. Do the folks on Blessed Island have a way to live forever? Sure, but there's a reason why they haven't run it past the FDA. The side effects are not pretty.

Quote #5

Eric screams, and though his mind has largely stopped working already, a final thought bleeds into it, following on from so very many strange thoughts.

I, thinks Eric Seven, have lived this before. (1.13.60-61)

This is a pretty disturbing thought. Just as he's about to die, Eric realizes that he's actually lived other lives before. He may not be immortal (since obviously he can die), but he has been reborn over and over again. Which is kind of a big deal.

Quote #6

There are bones in the cist. They are long human bones.

They are somewhat jumbled however, and it takes each of them a moment to realize there is more than one set of bones in the coffin , but it is true, for there below them in the stone box are two skulls.

They start to decode what they are seeing. There is a larger skull, and larger skeleton, and a smaller.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Nancy asks.

Edward says nothing.

"Yes," says Mat, simply. "The larger one is holding the smaller one. That is how it seems to me."

There's more than one way to live on, and even though Tor and Eirik have long since died and been reborn into new bodies, their bones are still hanging around. Now they're going to provide new life and new information to Edward and his team. He'll finally be able to answer all those questions about Viking-vampires scholars have been puzzling over for years.