Midwinterblood Immortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You silly boy," she says, trying to sound bright. "You could have been hurt. You could have been killed."

Eric turns and looks up at his mother. "No. I couldn't die. I'm not quite the last." (2.10.45-46)

Even though Eric has some disabilities, he sees what's going on more clearly than anyone. Sure, he could have exploded carrying that bomb, but he couldn't really die and be done—he's got one more life left to live.

Quote #8

Outside, a lady in a black and purple dress listened to the silence of the house.

From somewhere, a long way away, came the scream of a wounded hare.

It sounded so human.

The lady shook her head, thinking of her lover who had lost her mind, and become a lithe creature of the shadows.

"Well," she said, sadly. "So it is." (5.9.17-21)

Not only will Erika live again as Eric in a new life, she also gets to linger on for a while as a ghost. Eric is really playing this immortality thing from all angles.

Quote #9

For it was that night, that someone said they had seen a figure stalking the long meadows. A tall, strong figure, with a dark face.

They said it was Tor. (6.8.28-29)

Again, we're cheating death in all kinds of interesting ways. Tor could die and be reborn to a new life, but he isn't quite done in this life yet—those are his children and he will have them. Death can just lay off for a while.