Princess Academy Competition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Let's go back and show her we're smarter than she thinks." Miri paced with excitement. "Olana didn't spend much time on Diplomacy, but we learned enough to come up with a decent plan." (12.37)

Tutor Olana thinks that she's so much smarter than the girls, but Miri is ready to show her that they can be formidable adversaries. In the battle of wits, a royal tutor might just be bested by a bunch of dirty mountain girls.

Quote #5

Katar cut her eyes at Miri. "I'm a better diplomat than you and everyone knows it. It should've been me talking. Too bad for you that academy princess isn't based on who everyone likes best." (13.37)

Nice bit of foreshadowing there, Katar. It doesn't seem like academy princess will be decided by popularity, but in the end Tutor Olana has the girls choose from the top students anyway. And guess who doesn't get chosen? That's right—Katar.

Quote #6

The older girls had been spooked by Miri's tie with Katar after the first exam, and Bena, Katar, and Liana spent all their free time with open books. Miri gazed longingly at spring erupting outside the window but forced herself to study—at least, most of the time. (14.16)

Miri finally has friends again and would love to go outside and play in the mountains, but she's got to buckle down and study hard. After all, she has to beat all the older girls who are gunning for academy princess.