Princess Academy Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

So she said, "It seems strange to still think about this, after the bandits and everything. It seems like the world has changed and we shouldn't still be talking about things like marrying a prince." (24.37)

There are bigger things to think about than winning the prince's hand in marriage after the girls have been held hostage by bandits. Maybe that was important to Miri once, but now she just appreciates what she already has.

Quote #8

[…] his eyes scanned the room expectantly, and when they stopped on Britta, he took a half step backward. He smiled, then he smiled larger, then he grinned. His shoulders relaxed, and Miri half expected him to do something boyish and outrageous, like leap for joy or gallop to her side. (25.58)

Remember how Britta always said that she just wanted the prince to marry someone who really loved him? It looks like Britta and Steffan have found the people they're supposed to be with in each other—these two are obviously gaga.

Quote #9

Miri watched Britta beside the boy she loved. Her eyes shone, her smile was wide and genuine. Her gestures lost their flustered anxiousness and became smooth and confident, the weight of her insecurity lifted. (25.82)

Love really does change a person. Britta was so nervous about meeting Steffan, but once her affections are returned, she loses all of her fear and anxiety. She's definitely not going to get sick before the next ball they attend together.