Princess Academy Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Miri glowered. Even if Olana's promises were true, Miri would not want to marry a lowlander, a person who despised her and the mountain [...] frowning at the sight of the mountain folk and all too eager to get back into his carriage and drive away. (4.80)

No wonder Miri doesn't know whether or not she wants to marry the prince—even with all the amazing riches and opportunities ahead, she doesn't want to end up marrying some kind of snotty jerk. That's what all the lowlanders she's met have been like, anyway.

Quote #5

Os shook his head. "It's easy to believe the traders will cheat us as much as they can, but what can we do about it?" (11.120)

The folks on Mount Eskel have consistently been screwed over by the traders, who give them much less than they deserve for linder. Maybe it's time to stand up and demand a little more respect from those lowlanders.

Quote #6

"No wonder lowlanders don't think of us as being true Danlanders," said Esa, "since Mount Eskel is just a territory." (12.29)

In class, the girls learn that Mount Eskel is only a territory of Danland and not an official province. Perhaps that's why the lowlanders think less of them; they don't have a real delegate to represent them at court and fight for their rights.