Red Harvest Chapter 20 Summary


  • The Op goes to Dinah's house after the "peace conference."
  • Dinah receives a call from Reno Starking, telling her that Noonan was shot and killed in front of his house. Killed most likely by Whisper.
  • The Op confesses to Dinah that he's starting to go "blood simple" from all the killing. He lists all the people that have died in less than a week, and it adds up to sixteen. Sheesh.
  • The Op is horrified to find that he's enjoying the bloodshed.
  • He recognizes that he could have tried to clear the misunderstandings between all the men, but instead he had lied about Noonan's knowledge of Tim's death.
  • By pretending that Noonan knew MacSwain had killed Tim, the Op knew that Whisper would be sore at Noonan for going after him.
  • And this directly led Whisper to kill Noonan. So he's kindasorta responsible.
  • The Op also recognizes that the so-called "peace conference" will lead to even more killings because all the men are divided against each other now.
  • Dinah tries to comfort the Op by saying that there was no other way to clean up Personville, but it doesn't make the Op feel any better.
  • In the kitchen, Dinah finds some laudanum, and the two drink the bottle together.