Old Elihu Talks Sense
- The Op returns to his hotel at 2:30 in the morning and learns that Elihu wants him to come over right away.
- The Op finds Mr. Willsson in bed holding a black pistol in his hand.
- On the floor, there is a dead body and a whole lot of blood. It's a mess.
- Elihu thinks that the thugs running the city sent a man to kill him, in payback for Donald's attempt to expose them. Elihu wants to hire the Op to clean up Poisonville.
- The Op demands a $10,000 to do the job and Elihu reluctantly agrees. Congrats on the new gig?
- Noonan arrives at the house and confirms that the dead man is Yakima Shorty.
- The Op goes with Noonan to arrest Whisper.